- Flowers : Pink Roses ,Eastoma , Carnations , White Lilly , Green Buton
- Filling with Greeneries
- Tied With Red Ribbon
- Wooden Basket
Special Care:
These are fresh flowers, please keep the flowers away from direct sunlight or near any other source of excessive heat and fire, please do not apply pressure.
The image displayed is indicative in nature. Actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability. Flowers may be in fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or bud state also sometime due to temporary and/or regional unavailability substitution of flowers is provided
AED156.45 (incl. VAT) -
7pcs yellow roses
5pcs red gerberra daisy,
3 stem yellow asiatic lilly.
5 stem green bottonpoms
3 blue statisAED177.45AED168.00 (incl. VAT)